Revolutionizing North Korean education system with Visual Reality and Augmented Reality

VR in north Korea

North Korea is a seemingly interesting yet controversial place to be in. For the better part of the last decade, it has been coming in print media and digital media for not so right reasons, as a deprived country, where the availability of high-speed internet and free information is seen as a luxury for any civilian.

Students use VR glasses during a class at a teachers’ training college during a government organised visit for foreign reporters ahead of the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s foundation, in Pyongyang, September 7, 2018. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui/2018-09-07 14:23:03/


But you are in for a shock when I say that in this country where freedom of speech and the internet is severely scrutinized, the education system is quite fantastically promoting the use of Virtual reality and Augmented Reality to make education for kids in schools quite fun and interactive. Looks interesting, right!

Now that we have told you this, let us also tell you how the country promotes such futuristic technologies when most of the advanced countries around the world are still following the textbook-notebook combinations.

A school in North Korea’s capital Pyongyang has recently come into the spotlight for the novel methods they are implementing. A report documented in a Japanese newspaper says that the teachers there are combining traditional blackboard-based education curriculum with hidden animations, illustrations of concepts and topics, 3-Dimensional pictures and having all of those projected onto the classroom walls.

The Augmented Reality makes use of all these projections and turns them into real life-like looking creatures. Say, for instance, if kids are studying wild animals, then they can see how a tiger or a lion looks from all directions. More than that, how fast it runs, how loudly it roars and other interesting things which will make the teaching and learning process such fun.

There are several AR/VR headsets available in the schools using which immersive experiences are given to the kids. While exact details haven’t emerged, it is said that lots of animated series, drawings and pictures are pre-recorded into the Virtual reality headsets.

All of these efforts and farsightedness of the leaders came in very handy when the world got engulfed in the COVID pandemic. Since March 2020, the North Korean classrooms have been consistently using video conferencing, Virtual Reality Web and App software for complex concepts, and Augmented Reality to make learning more immersive, interactive and enjoyable.

The technology is strictly monitored by the school authorities and teachers so that no misuse of this unique technology is done by the students.

This has heralded Industrial Revolution 4.0. A revolution that is not limited to industries and offices alone, but is as deeply embedded into something like our kid’s education and shopping experiences. For a country like North Korea, it is a much-needed welcome step taken. After this, we can only see other advanced nations implementing these policies and giving a lot of importance to Virtual Reality app development.


If you are someone, who is looking to build an immersive and more interactive experience for your client, then you might have just landed in the right place. Our teams at Twin Reality make some of the most cutting-edge web and mobile application development in Virtual and Augmented Reality.

For more insights into this trending technology, make sure to check out our blog regularly, where we document a lot of this technology in the form of Technical Blogs.

12 Major New Features Quest Has Received Since Launch

Oculus is a relatively new and pioneering effort by Facebook in the field of Visual Reality. This division of Facebook has the responsibility of manufacturing virtual reality headsets, the two major headsets that lead this new technological revolution are Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest Lines.

As these technologies make new progressions each day and get updated, a lot of the mechanism around them changes. Likewise, in the past couple of years, that is from the year 2019, Oculus Quest has undergone a sea of change. Currently, with its new set of features, it has gone on to become a market leader and trendsetter. Let us now have a look at some of their most interesting updates so far. 

Hand Tracking:

This is by far the most interesting feature that needs to be embedded into a Virtual reality headset. Initially developed as an autonomous feature for the developers and users, it also enhanced mobility, user experience and a whole lot of other immersive techniques. With this in place, the entire Oculus browser, Quest menu can be controlled by your hand gestures. This comes in a lot handy when people see simulations, videos or some other detailed graphic designs. Just a swipe in or out left or right makes life a whole lot easier to view them. 

Oculus Link and Air Link

When the product was initially launched, it did not have the advanced technology to be connected with a PC and then work. So as a result, any real-time update that had to be processed by a PC and then is loaded or work with the headset could not be done. However, with the latest modification, Quest and Quest 2, both can be connected with a PC via a cable and or wirelessly. Though still in the development stage, once launched it will enable a lot of opportunities for clients’ businesses.

120Hz refresh rate:

The headset had a rate of just 72 Hz in its earlier version. Then it slowly got updated to around 90 Hz and with the latest development it can now reach up to 120Hz, which is great. What that does is, it makes some of the real-time simulations and projections easy to show and load. Technically, a lot of loading time is saved, comfort and immersion experiences go on another level. 

However, one thing to note is that this enhanced refresher rate is available on the Quest 2 headsets. The original one is still yet to be updated with a newer refresh rate.

Fitness Tracking:

Many of us have seen health monitoring sensors in our watches and mobile apps. But how about having the same features on your Virtual headsets to make stats more appealing and interesting. Whichever physical activities you perform wearing the headsets, the software within makes accurate data of the calories burnt, distance walked or run and some other stuff. 

It is very well supported by applications like Beat Saber, OhShape and Supernatural. So, if you happen to be a tech and fitness geek, is this not one more reason to have this cool and stylish device on your checklist?

Bluetooth Mouse and Support

The world is moving towards a wireless zone day by day. The main reason? Ease of work and more effective utilization of resources. Though wired devices still are comfortable to many people and wireless communication is still to cross a lot of challenges, still having your Headsets enables by Bluetooth is a boon for hardcore game addicts. 

All you have to do is just enable this feature from the Experimental tab of the settings section. Apart from game addicts, it’s a lot easy to navigate through the Oculus browser or pause the videos, write some short notes on the visual presentations and some other small but important stuff. 

Desk/Couch/Keyboard Tracking:

Ok, so we have seen gesture control, wireless technology, but what is this tracking for household furniture? Interested? Let’s delve a bit deeper into this subject matter. 

Many of us might have seen where people play virtual games using the support of real furniture at homes support or base. Many times, there might be an error in judgement. So, to have that base covered, the new updates from Oculus give you a chance to outline the table at your home which you use for support and then that is proportionally made to the size using the software stored inside a headset, with just a simple scan over the dimension over the table or the couch. Now, without worrying about the actual space, you could play your best shot.

While, we know that many might prefer playing outdoor games, but for those preferring a nice game inside their homes, this is a game-changer.

Passthrough background and Shortcut:

This feature is a great leveller for setting up your guardian boundary. All you have to do is to scan and trace the area or the boundary of your play space, just like the previous point. This view also has some space, using which you can also see what is in front of you in the real life. This is how the name Pass-through originates. You could see what passes through around your sides and still be in the virtual reality world. 

To enable this feature, you have to navigate to the Guardian section from settings and double click on the Pass-through option. 

Voice commands:

What if instead of physically navigating or touching options, what if your voice is enough to activate functions or open up favourite apps, or help you understand something better in a virtual exhibition. Yes, the new set of updates on Oculus, do just that. This can be activated from the device option of the settings menu. 

The voice assistant works for a lot of social, device control, apps, content, media and headset

Facebook Messenger:

Quest already had its version of the chat app. However, it has integrated the Facebook Messenger of its parent company to let you chat with your friends, wearing the same Oculus headset. You don’t necessarily have to reach out to your mobiles or laptops for sending out updates. How cool is that? Since the two are synced, you won’t miss out on the updates. With this feature, you could also send out invites to your friends to come and join Virtual Reality, if they aren’t still on the platform.  

Smartphone Notifications:

Just like Facebook messenger, your alerts, updates and other notifications can be answered using the Virtual reality headset. In this case the Oculus 2. You could still answer your boss’s email while playing tennis with your headset. Though, we don’t recommend that to do, right! In that case, you could silence the notifications by going to the DO NOT DISTURB section on the screen visible. 

A catch here is that only Apple phones can be synced. The features for Android are still under research and development. 

App Library

This is like a huge library of applications that can be enabled from Quest 2. From reading books to playing games, to answering some important stuff to virtual strolling. This is a one-stop shop for all you might do physically but is now enabled virtually. 

There are a lot more experimental apps in this library that not many have tried out yet. It’s quite simple, just type, search and bang! Get it installed. 

Multiple Accounts and Library Sharing:

If you have multiple people sharing your headset or borrowing it, you no longer have to worry about mixing up messages or letting out someone’s privacy. The latest update allows people to open multiple accounts in a single headset. 

With this, you could purchase and share multiple apps, resources from libraries, keep all the accounts safe all while not mixing data of two or more people. All you have to do is to enable the multiple people option from the experimental option of the settings tab. 

With all this and multiple other updates in the design and development stages, a lot of changes are on their way in the Virtual Reality segment. Behold all of them!

We at Twin reality, do all these things and much more. We are a team that loves to experiment with technology by building virtual reality app development software. Our experience ranges from education to interior decorations to virtual exhibitions, real estate and much more. To check out work, teams and portfolio, feel free to contact and get in touch with us through our website:

Horizon Workspaces: Facebook launches virtual reality-powered workspace.

facebook horizon workrooms

Let us go back in time, close to 18 months back when the world around suddenly got confined to the four walls of our homes. Video conferencing replaced physical brainstorming sessions and paperwork got replaced by endless tapping on the keyboard. At that point in time, we were clearly not ready for something like that to strike us. Endless glitches and people not too familiar with gadgets and technology had to quite literally “lock” every action related to their work.

However, taking inspiration from all the recent complications, Facebook has been consistently working on creating virtual meeting rooms. It has been named as Horizon Workspaces. Although for the past two years, it is mostly stuck in its Beta development phase, it is quite promising. People could meet, work, share details and brainstorm together in a digital room but in a virtual medium with virtual and augmented reality. Here, instead of people’s faces, we will be dealing with their digital avatars. Something akin to your digital avatar on Facebook. Does it not sound interesting? Something like a simulation of the dream. Okay, some more details.

Facebook unveils Horizon Workrooms for remote coworking in VR | VentureBeat

What if I say that you could demonstrate flowcharts, plans and graphs in the virtual meeting? Just with a mouse, keyboard and hands, all that you physically draw sitting in a room will directly translate into digital records in your meeting that everyone will be able to see, edit and feel with their own hands. This is a huge dream of Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse. Metaverse is a virtual reality and augmented reality environment that facilitates meeting with different people at different places in the world. It is currently being developed by Facebook on war-footing scale.

facebook work rooms

A huge boost to it was given by the introduction of Oculus headsets. This hardware is supported by the virtual web and app development software’s that are developed by the company.

Coming back to the Horizon product. Each headset easily costs somewhere around USD 300. Those who do not own Oculus 2 and the software with them can join as regular meetings as they do for Zoom or Google Meet calls. So, a maximum of 50 people can join the meeting. Out of which only 16 can join with headsets, digital avatars and make the virtual note-making and meeting possible. You could even share photos and videos with other people in the meeting rooms. This software is compatible with both Windows and MAC PC’s. Once you link your PC with the horizon workspace, along with the Oculus headsets, you could work, share, write and edit data and information in the virtual systems.

Apart from these features, it has some of the most cutting-edge technology with respect to cybersecurity. That is giving full control over the applications and data of the corporates with industry compliance and requirements. The second feature, as stated by Horizon workspace is the ability to enhance productivity. The files, data and other information can be securely accessed from all kinds of devices that are connected with the ecosystem.

So, after a long time and a lot of attempts at Facebook has given this wonderful product. The product is still in beta version and undergoing tests. Once it gets successfully launched, it can be a game-changer in virtual reality and remote working environments. Something which the current video conferencing applications lack at.

Are you too interested in joining the virtual reality revolution that is coming faster than expected? If your employees are geeky enough and feel the need to connect with each other and build scalable solutions to challenges around them with the use of virtual reality, then you have landed at the right place.

Our vastly experienced engineers at Twin Reality, will help you build some of the most advanced virtual reality applications development with high-end immersive experiences. We regularly blog and actively comment on the existing and upcoming advancements in this domain. We would be glad to connect with you over our website and have a look at our portfolio!

Can virtual reality help patient experience in MRI?

Virtual Reality with MRI

Before we go any further with how MRI and Virtual Reality are related and how to research and developments are being done. Let us understand what is MRI, in summary, to help us understand the deeper concepts a bit better.

Developed by Twin Reality

MRI is a short form for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a method using which internal organs are imaged via strong magnetic fields and radio waves. This is useful detect clots, blockages or other forms of disturbances or deformations in the human body. An MRI scan shows a detailed and color report about body organs in the picture and according to which further medical procedures or surgeries are carried out.


Now comes the role of technology or in our words the role of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in it. The MRI scan is carried out in a closed room with the help of a radiographer who moves you in and out of the MRI scan machine. For claustrophobic people, it may seem very daunting. So, for patients like these, the Virtual Reality headsets are given using which their minds are diverted into a different path for the scan to be carried out seamlessly.

A lot of research has gone into understanding patient anxiety during MRI scans and the neuroscience behind it. Before VR was introduced, medicos used the processes of seduction or anesthesia, however, there are chances that they might not fully work. After the introduction of VR, it’s a more relaxing experience for the patient.


The second role after MRI claustrophobia is MRI patient preparation. As far as patient preparation is concerned, the VR/AR research teams over the world have developed various software’s and apps, using which patients are educated about the MRI experience and machine scanning.

In this, the virtual reality headset is connected to a standard MRI head coil, that is enabled by two MRI-compatible cameras, which is controlled by the patient’s eye movements. This is done for those patients who fear the MRI room and after making them wear this headset, they are taken into the MRI room for scans. The audio and visuals are present during the actual scan are simulated and that somewhat helps patients to gain confidence and lower the fear rate. 



Child MRI

Another interesting study to take reference from is a case study performed somewhere in the United Kingdom. A group of a total of 35 participants, of which around 6 were children were called test participants to see how this technique works. They were given these headsets with games, apps and another relaxing topic already installed into them. When they were put into an MRI scanner, they never got to know about being scanned by an MRI machine and could easily perform their favourite tasks from the VR headset. Also, they did not have any side effects like motion sickness, headache or loss of focus from the headset.

The third aspect of the patient experience from MRI is VR apps in medication. The patients also learn about potential conditions or diseases for which the scan is being done. They see the damaged body part or the organ in a more holistic and 3-dimensional manner and show solutions about that organ or part that will be cured by medication or surgery. This not only helps patients but also doctors to plan their flow of treatment better.

So, as far as to date, it is safe to say that a lot of research is being undertaken to enhance the patient experience in MRI scanning, and there have been some successes in between too. However, it is still in its infant stages and much more capital investment, time and research equipment’s will be needed to make it more accurate.

At Twin Reality, we do just that. We are one of the pioneers in building Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality app development in India, and have a wide range of experiences from education to exhibitions, medical to entertainment and even real estate.  To see our projects, clients and work, feel free to reach out through our website!

Impact of Virtual reality on medical sector.

Virtual Reality is a boon and a by-product of the Artificially Intelligent era that we are heading into. It offers a simulated and user-controlled environment where we could practically perform any activity without needing a full set of components or requirements physically. It’s an area where continuous research and development is taking place in the Computer Science domain. 

Virtual Reality has been such a blessing for all domains, but a majority of the advantages are to be seen in the Medical Science domain, where it is being used to perform a lot of trials and experiments, which perhaps involves a lot of pain, money and discomfort if it were not for the Visual Reality.

In earlier cases, a lot of trials and errors of medicines, their side effects and methods to be followed during surgeries had to perform on the bodies physically. However, with the advent of Virtual Reality, animated effects and bodily simulations have been a lot easy to make, practice and study. The major practices where VR is used can be chiefly classified into four fields:

  1. Medical training
  2. Patient Treatment
  3. Medical marketing
  4. Disease Awareness


Let us delve a bit deep into each of the categories.

Patient Treatment

Marketing these days, has become an important tool to stay alive in the market and be competitive. Few journals and articles state how medical marketing is done by using Visual Reality. Ay for instance with the VR headset, you induce a headache to someone, and with the very same Virtual Reality headset, you could have that headache settled, which shows how certain procedures work. 

Medical Marketing: 

Marketing these days, has become an important tool to stay alive in the market and be competitive. Few journals and articles state how medical marketing is done by using Visual Reality. Ay for instance with the VR headset, you induce a headache to someone, and with the very same Virtual Reality headset, you could have that headache settled, which shows how certain procedures work. 

Disease Awareness: 

It is not uncommon to be irritated when we see someone suffering from a certain kind of disease which makes him/her look like an anti-social element. Some people perhaps suffer from Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia and other ailments. Visual reality helps normal people like you and me understand the kind of pain and difficulties that these lesser fortunate ones endure. 


Making patients feel better

Suppose someone has met with a life-threatening disease and has to spend a lot of time in the hospital to get treated. More often than not, they do feel bored. Visual Reality comes to the rescue, where one could simulate anything and let the patient watch. He could be seen swimming with dolphins, playing sports with some of the biggest Olympic champions and what not. It serves as a feel-good factor and creates an aura of positivity for the patient. 


With this, and many more features, Virtual reality in the medical sector is here to stay, by making pains more bearable, side-effects of diseases more understandable and health science more approachable to a layman.