Top 12 tools needed for VR development

VR Development tools

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on an exciting journey to create a Virtual Reality (VR) application. This series is designed to guide you, step-by-step, through the fascinating process of VR development. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to the field.

Get ready to unlock the potential of VR technology and bring your virtual visions to life!

1. Development Engines:

Development Engines are foundational software frameworks used for the creation and development of VR applications. They provide the necessary tools for rendering graphics, simulating physics, and managing gameplay.

  • Unity: A versatile engine supporting 2D and 3D graphics, known for its ease of use and strong community support. It’s particularly popular among indie developers and supports a wide range of VR platforms.

  • Unreal Engine: Offers high-end graphics rendering capabilities, making it suitable for creating visually stunning VR experiences. It’s preferred for projects requiring advanced visual effects but has a steeper learning curve.

2. 3D Modeling and Animation Software:

These software tools are essential for creating the 3D models and animations that populate VR environments

      1. Blender: A comprehensive tool for creating 3D content, from modeling and rigging to animation and rendering. It’s particularly attractive for small studios or individual developers due to its no-cost nature.
      2. Maya: Industry-standard software offering sophisticated tools for 3D modeling, animation, and visual effects. Commonly used in professional environments.
      3. 3ds Max: Offers robust modeling and rendering tools and is widely used in the game development and film industries.

3. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):

IDEs are critical for coding the logic of VR applications. They offer features like code editing, debugging, and project management.

      1. Visual Studio: A powerful IDE supporting multiple programming languages, known for its debugging tools and code editor.
      2. Rider  (unreal): Rider is a new option for C++ in general and Unreal Engine from JetBrains.

4. VR SDKs (Software Development Kits):

SDKs provide the specific tools and libraries needed
for third-party developers to use in producing applications using a particular framework or platform.

      1. Oculus SDK: Provides the necessary libraries and tools to develop VR applications for Oculus devices.
      2. SteamVR SDK: Offers compatibility with a wide range of VR hardware, making it suitable for developers targeting multiple VR platforms.
      3. Google VR SDK: Geared towards mobile VR development, with tools and libraries for Android-based VR applications.

5. Audio Tools:

VR experiences are greatly enhanced by spatial audio , I have seen new developers often ignore audio however in a production ready appliaction a proper audio is very much needed

      1. FMOD: A sound effects engine used for creating and integrating complex audio experiences in games.
      2. beatoven: It is an innovative AI-powered music creation tool that simplifies composing original music. Its intuitive interface allows users to generate unique soundtracks tailored to their specific needs, making it ideal for creators, marketers, and anyone seeking custom music without the complexities of traditional composition.

6. Asset Libraries:

      1. Unity Asset Store: An online store offering a wide range of assets, including models, scripts, and tools, specifically for Unity developers.
      2. Unreal Engine Marketplace: A similar platform for Unreal Engine, offering assets optimized for this engine.
      3. Open Game Art : It is a free resource offering a diverse collection of art assets for game development. It hosts a variety of 2D and 3D art, textures, music, and sound effects, contributed by a community of artists, suitable for use in various game projects including indie and educational purposes.

7. Version Control Systems:

      1. Git: A distributed version control system that helps teams manage changes to source code over time.
      2. Plastic SCM (unity): Plastic SCM is unity specific version control which was acquired by Unity in 2020 and is now a part of Unity DevOps . It gives users access to Version Control, Build Automation, and upcoming Artifact Center component
      3. Subversion (unreal) : Unreal Engine 4 comes with an integrated method that allows people to work together on their projects using version control software called Subversion or SVN for short. 

8. Performance Optimization Tools:

Performance is critical in VR to ensure a comfortable user experience. Any frame drop in VR can cause nausea hence it is very important for VR app to be highly optimize

        1. Unreal Engine Profiler: A comprehensive tool for real-time performance monitoring and optimization, offering detailed insights into CPU and GPU usage, memory
          allocation, and system resource utilization for fine-tuning Unreal Engine-based applications.
        2. Unity Profiler: An integrated part of the Unity Editor, this profiler provides detailed information about game performance, including CPU and GPU usage, memory management, and asset loading times, essential for optimizing Unity-based applications for smooth and efficient performance.

3 Virtual Reality Rehabilitation and its Use Cases

VR Rehabilitation

The use of virtual reality in healthcare has spread to various domains, including diagnosis and treatment including surgery, counselling, and rehabilitation. Virtual reality creates the illusion of a three-dimensional environment.

When these environments adapt to the users’ movements, they make the users feel completely submerged in this technologically created reality. As a result, virtual reality company leverages the use of the potential for technical development to create a variety of realistic virtual worlds.

Patients who are unable to benefit from physical therapy can still move and exercise with the aid of virtual reality. This is mostly due to the fact that in a simulated setting, patients are totally absorbed in the realism that the virtual environment has created.

For this reason, unlike in physical therapy, their focus does not change to the experience of bodily pain.

As a result, patients in virtual environments are unaware of any physical pain. When there is no physical pain, patients are able to effectively accomplish their goals.

What is Virtual Rehabilitation?

Virtual Reality Rehabilitation is emerging as the need of the hour. This virtual form of rehabilitation has recently been demonstrated to be beneficial, and it is now being used for psychological and occupational therapies.

When receiving virtual reality therapy, patients are required to navigate a simulated digital interface and methodically do tasks that are precisely tailored to address a particular condition.

The technology setup is extensive and might include anything from a traditional desktop computer to a more modern virtual reality headset. This type of therapy is currently being explored by VR Healthcare Companies as an alternative to exposure therapy because it has been shown to be particularly successful in treating PTSD. 

VR Rehabilitation Vs Conventional Therapy

A common consequence of neurological impairment is the impairment of lower limb motor skills. It causes a number of restrictions, like limited engagement in day-to-day activities. Regaining these motor skills requires a difficult and slow process that occasionally takes several months to complete.

The repeated nature of the traditional rehabilitation method has a detrimental effect on a patient’s drive to overcome obstacles. The objective data needed to effectively track the patient’s improvement is lacking from this conventional approach.

Under these conditions, virtual reality has become an important therapeutic tool in the field of rehabilitation, instead of traditional or conventional therapy. Virtual reality makes the rehabilitation process both more efficient and interesting.

It combines VR-based rehabilitation techniques to create a satisfying, productive, and inspiring experience that can encourage progress.

Advantages of VR Rehabilitation

When virtual reality is used in the rehabilitation process for patients with different diseases, it has a lot to offer. These advantages include lower medical costs for the healthcare system, better use of resources, flexibility, patient education and motivation, based on the patient’s history, as well as transparency in data storage and accessibility. 

VR in Stroke Rehabilitation

Virtual reality has proven to be a useful technical development for stroke recovery. Because virtual reality may mimic real-world tasks, it helps people become more adept at taking care of themselves.

The virtual environment is provided via devices worn by the user or located within the virtual world. This immersive technology builds a sense of connection by layering the users’ experience. The goal of VR stroke rehabilitation is to cope with the symptoms and fallout after a stroke.

The most widely recognised benefit of virtual reality is its capacity to inspire perseverance in performing the necessary motions. Other benefits include the opportunity to practise independently, control over stimuli, and provide user feedback—all of which can be readily recorded due to the platform’s flexibility.

Additionally, it improves participation by enabling the patient to be in a secure setting like their own home.

VR in Pain Management and Reduction

Another area where virtual reality is making a big impact and may soon be able to eliminate patients’ dependency on drugs is pain management and reduction.

Virtual reality (VR) serves as the patient’s brain’s coping mechanism when they experience unpleasant feelings and aids in their relief. VR thereby promotes a quicker healing process.

VR in Cancer Rehabilitation

Virtual reality also helps cancer patients perform more effectively. These people can experience less pain and have better cognition, eyesight, and general wellness thanks to this technology.

Cancer remains one of the world’s most serious health issues. Chemotherapy is advised to reduce the likelihood of disease and completely remove the tumour mass.

Chemotherapy, however, is linked to a number of distressing symptoms, including depression, exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms make it harder for patients to follow the recommended regimen and lower their quality of life.

Therefore, immersive distraction interventions, like virtual reality therapy, are beneficial because they allow patients to focus on enjoyable stimuli rather than uncomfortable symptoms.

Virtual reality offers healing surroundings for cancer recovery. Chemotherapy can be more bearable and realistic goals can be achieved with the help of virtual reality and its distraction intervention feature.

Final Thoughts

Virtual reality rehabilitation is a form of therapy that can be both interactive and effective, which instils pleasure into the therapeutic process while encouraging and motivating patients to effectively confront their limitations.

Virtual Reality Showroom Guide

Virtual Showroom

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered customers’ preferred methods of shopping. To thrive in this ever-changing environment, the retail sector has had to adapt to meet consumer demands. Virtual showrooms facilitated by virtual reality companies which enable firms to present products in interactive, information-rich environments, are the driving force behind this revolution.

Here are a few examples of how virtual reality (VR) is assisting companies in generating new experiences for their customers and boosting sales.

What is a Virtual Reality Showroom?

Virtual reality showrooms are 360° digitally generated settings that have exactly the same appearance, feel, and functionality as real showrooms. Customers can “tour” the showroom, looking at the products from every angle and interacting with 3D visuals.

Virtual 3D Apparel Showroom

Products might range from industrial machinery to technological devices, makeup to clothing. Customers can examine specifications, compare this model to other models, and observe virtual demos in this environment. If clients have any questions during their visit, they can contact a salesperson directly from the digital showroom.

Uses of Virtual Reality Showrooms

Businesses can use virtual reality (VR) technology to build a digital showroom where customers can shop remotely using a headset or smart glasses. Companies employ this technology for many different purposes, for example:

  • Organising Virtual House Tours: Interested parties can have a self-guided virtual tour of a house.
  • Building Virtual Stores: Retail establishments use virtual environments to mirror their real ones.
  • Creating Virtual Product Experiences: Businesses utilise technology to develop virtual experiences tailored to individual products.
  • Developing Interactive User Manuals: Companies assist customers in real time while they utilise the product.
  • Live Video Consultations: Businesses can leverage VR to simulate one-on-one client interactions in a computer-generated setting.
  • Branding Promotional Activities: Virtual reality enables brands to connect emotionally with consumers. Virtual showrooms are used to convey the history of a product’s design or creation or to demonstrate how it was created.
  • Customer Research: Carrying out buyer research virtually is less complicated. Companies employ customer tracking and interaction data to pinpoint individual preferences, allowing marketing teams to customise their messaging to catch a consumer’s eye.
  • Providing Tailored Suggestions: Drawing on information collected by eye-tracking equipment and virtual reality software, the system generates recommendations based on the user’s preferences for product matches or other merchandise.

Brands with VR Showrooms

VR showrooms are already being used with great success by many brands. Their creative use of technology has encouraged other brands to adopt it. Here are two noteworthy instances of this phenomenon:


The corporation set up virtual reality kiosks in Indian malls. The purpose of these kiosks was to advertise Amazon Prime membership. To examine merchandise, customers might fly in a virtual hot air balloon to a fictional Amazonian city.

Amazon's VR Kiosks


Audi’s virtual reality showroom allows users to engage with a vehicle in an immersive setting while exploring and customising aspects of the car like colour and trim. The Audi digital showroom is used by more than 600 dealerships worldwide to facilitate seamless customer interaction.


Ikea released a virtual reality app that lets users customise homes by selecting furnishings, colours, materials, and other interior elements. The brand footprint could be increased by disseminating these plans on social media. In a survey conducted by Touchstone Research, 81% of participants who had used VR said they had told friends about it.

IKEA Virtual Reality Showroom


Alibaba Buy+ is a virtual reality shopping platform that allows users to browse and interact with products using VR headsets, as well as explore the store and make purchases.

Advantages of VR Showrooms

The best option for today’s buyers is a virtual showroom. Businesses can only show a certain amount of products in physical storefronts, and there isn’t enough time to communicate crucial information. These difficulties are eliminated by virtual showrooms. The following are just a few of the numerous advantages of virtual reality showrooms:

Quicker Purchasing Decisions

Customers want to feel things for themselves and make judgements based on information rather than feeling rushed, uneasy, or distracted. People can shop at their own pace with virtual reality showrooms.

Compared to in-person shopping, buyers can obtain more thorough and detailed product information thanks to this technology. With all the information they need at their fingertips, they can decide to buy much more quickly and easily and can feel completely confident in their selection.

Boost Customer Engagement

In a virtual showroom, customers interact with the content for longer. The technology is made to keep customers interested while they browse. Before making a purchase, you can thoroughly inspect the products in a digital setting, navigate the showroom, zoom in when necessary, and investigate new features.

By giving customers the chance to ask questions and get direct answers from sales staff via a virtual help desk, or by showing them videos of products and services, virtual reality (VR) tools enable businesses to engage more deeply with their customers.

24/7 Accessibility and Ease of Access

One of the main advantages of virtual showrooms is that they are accessible from a range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, desktops and laptops. According to recent research, there were 7.1 billion mobile users worldwide in 2021, which is fantastic news for marketers. Virtual showrooms also allow clients to browse and buy products at any time of day or night because they are always open.

Thus, compared to traditional stores, businesses using virtual showrooms can interact with an exponentially greater number of customers. Furthermore, because digital showrooms last longer, they generate more leads over an extended period. This function raises the profile of your brand and optimises engagement rates.

Competitive Advantage

Since the majority of companies do not yet have virtual showrooms, developing an interactive online presence might offer your company a competitive advantage. For customers, this is more than just another store; rather, a VR showroom gives companies the opportunity to project the “X-factor” that sets them apart from the competition. Additionally, it’s a chance to establish a far more intimate connection with potential customers than with a typical Internet retailer.

Lower Operational Expenses

With virtual showrooms, you can get away with the need to spend a lot of money on labour, real space, and other fixtures and equipment like cash registers. While there is an initial setup fee for the system, ongoing maintenance costs are far lower. In the end, this results in lower operational costs.

Final Thoughts

VR showrooms are a creative method for companies to interact with customers. Businesses can now showcase their products in an engaging and interactive setting thanks to technology. After that, customers can explore these products whenever and wherever they choose.

Virtual Reality Partner

If you want to fully embrace the potential of virtual reality, you must choose the proper partner. You must collaborate with a seasoned organisation that possesses both an exceptional track record and a solid understanding of the technological know-how required to bring your vision to life.

How Virtual Reality Technology Has Changed Our Lives?

“Virtual Reality” headsets first appeared in the 1950s, but tech companies weren’t able to manufacture them for widespread commercial use until the 2010s. 

While the majority of us are probably most familiar with virtual reality in the context of gaming, VR is gradually finding more and more uses. Virtual reality company providing immersive VR experiences and training is quickly gaining recognition as a flexible tool that can be utilised to deliver an immersive experience that can complete several tasks, from professional training to art and culture and even the medical area.

VR in Professional Training

Virtual reality has been employed to help with several occupations’ training since its inception. In virtual reality (VR), professionals from various fields can rehearse a scenario repeatedly, allowing them to execute it with minimal errors when the chips are down. This is undoubtedly the key to saving a great number of lives.

Does virtual reality, however, have a role in the business world? With remote work growing in popularity and possibly even becoming the norm, virtual reality seems to hold the potential to address a number of the problems that come with it.


Employers can use virtual reality (VR) to provide componential and “in-situ” work training for their new hires, just as their counterparts in the military, medical or other fields. VR will also give businesses a place to conveniently present their goods to customers. 

Virtual reality (VR) allows the user to see the final product directly, and instruction manuals can even be uploaded directly into the program. This eliminates the need to fumble through pages of instructions trying to figure out how your chair is supposed to look.

Though most jobs still consider virtual reality (VR) to be too high-tech for most people to use on a daily basis, as VR technology becomes more widely available and simpler to create, it seems that VR could hold the key to solving some of the issues that businesses are currently facing.

VR industrial training is a technological phenomenon that has revolutionised our perception of the world around us and is likely to continue doing so. Since virtual reality (VR) emerged as one of the more approachable components of science fiction, demand for it from both consumers and experts has only increased. 

This technology is rapidly becoming more and more accessible, therefore it’s likely that this instrument will become a household name sooner rather than later.

VR in Art Spaces

Virtual reality art exhibitions are not a brand-new idea; artists have always been among the first to experiment with new technologies and their uses. 

But when Covid-19 emerged in 2020 and many art museums had to temporarily close their doors, virtual reality (VR) swiftly emerged as a means of filling the hole. 

Now, you might spend hours “walking” around your home and essentially doing the same thing, as opposed to spending hours strolling around a museum admiring the artwork. Furthermore, it provided essentially the same experience without the expense of travelling to the famous museums of art.

What started as a short-term fix has evolved into something that appears to be here to stay. A significant advancement in technology and the history of art will be achieved with the September 2020 opening of the Virtual Online Museum of Art (VOMA). 

The art industry appears ready to take advantage of the phenomenon and appears to understand that VR offers spectators and artists alike special chances and experiences.

With an increasingly strong marriage between this particularly interactive medium and the seemingly endless potential, it gives artists, a new era in the art world is being heralded by the rising experimentation and incorporation of VR and AR aspects into artwork by artists.

VR in Mental Health

In today’s world, excessive stress is sadly becoming the norm, and the quickly shifting political, social, and economic environment isn’t doing much to stop it. 

To relieve the constant strain on our shoulders, more and more people are turning to personal wellness practices like yoga and meditation. This is likely because most of us are powerless to alter external pressures.

Since meditation has been practised for thousands of years, it is not a recent trend in wellness. Its basic idea is to sit still, concentrate, and breathe. 

But most of us struggle to settle down long enough to focus on our inner thoughts and unwind, others from breathing. 

VR can aid us by offering a plethora of visually or auditorily guided meditation tapes and assisting in transporting us to a different realm from our own busy reality.

Furthermore, by simulating specific scenarios, virtual reality in medical training proves to be an extraordinarily beneficial tool for enhancing the outcomes of specific forms of therapy in other areas of mental health. 

Those with anxiety and PTSD will probably benefit the most from this since it will give them a secure space to explore their triggers and give the therapist more “hands-on” therapy planning.

Final Thoughts

Virtual reality technology has the potential to be a very useful tool in many different industries and applications. As virtual reality (VR) technology gains acceptance and popularity, more VR applications can be developed in the future to expand into new sectors and improve existing use cases.

It is hoped that further advancements in VR technology will enable the elimination of existing problems and constraints, increasing the accessibility and realism of long-term VR use for a wider range of users.

All About Virtual Reality Motion Sickness

VR Motion sickness

Some VR users get motion sickness, which causes them to feel queasy or lightheaded when they put on a headset and enter a virtual environment. It’s not guaranteed that you will always have motion sickness from virtual reality if you’re among the few who have experienced it. 

It is possible to lessen nausea symptoms and possibly get rid of the issue completely. In this blog, Virutal Reality Company like Twin Reality will help you explore the definition of virtual reality motion sickness, its origins, and strategies for reducing it so you can continue to enjoy your preferred simulations and games.

What is VR Motion Sickness

Virtual reality sickness, sometimes referred to as cybersickness, is a condition that affects individuals differently and is closely similar to motion sickness. For instance, while immersing in VR soft skills training, some people experience very minor side effects, while others may rapidly get quite sick.

The typical signs of VR sickness include disorientation, sweating, headaches, nausea, eye strain, and in extreme situations, vomiting.

The brain is “tricked” into believing that it is moving owing to visual information from the eyes, but the body and inner ear remain motionless. This disconnect is what causes VR motion sickness in some people, even though there is often no actual “movement” during VR travel experiences.

Causes of VR Motion Sickness

1. Latency

One major cause of motion sickness in virtual reality is latency. It is the delay between a movement’s in-app registration and the messages it sends to your brain indicating things aren’t quite right. When the signal reaches the display too late, your behaviours and body language don’t correspond with what you are seeing or hearing, which throws off your equilibrium.

After years of studying how latency affected VR experiences, Oculus discovered that most users could tolerate the 13-millisecond lag caused by 90Hz display panels.

After that, this was adopted as the industry norm for many years. Faster displays are already available in headsets, such as the Valve Index, which lets users choose between 80Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, and 144Hz.

2. Type of Headset

The likelihood of motion sickness in virtual reality greatly depends on the type of VR headset and tracking system used. Three-degrees-of-freedom (3DoF) tracking allowed users to look 360 degrees up, down, and to the sides in the initial VR headsets.

Though they work great for watching more still 360-degree films and pictures, 3DoF headsets aren’t designed to allow users to move around in a 3D world.

Spatial tracking, also known as 6 degrees of freedom tracking (6DoF), can assist in resolving this issue. Users who wear headsets with six degrees of freedom have more mobility in the virtual world, and their surroundings change to accommodate them.

3. Eye Movement

It’s also important to keep in mind that the unfamiliar eye motion needed to maintain the stability of the virtual scene on the retina may produce motion sickness when using virtual reality.

There will be a discrepancy between what the eye perceives and what the brain perceives if the movements of the virtual environment deviate from what the eye anticipates. 

4. Postural Instability

Postural instability is one of the most intriguing aspects of motion sickness in virtual reality. 

In virtual reality, the user would automatically lean forward with the scene if it were moving forward, like on a rollercoaster. Postural instability and motion sickness may happen because the person’s body hasn’t gone forward in VR in the same manner that it would on a real rollercoaster, and this is a unique environment for the body to establish its equilibrium in.

Similar to other types of motion sickness, the intensity of the sensation can vary depending on several circumstances, including the duration and severity of the instability.

Who is Prone to VR Motion Sickness

Anybody who covers their eyes and ears with a VR headset runs the risk of experiencing VR motion sickness. Anyone, regardless of age or gender, could be at risk. 

Having stated that some demographics are probably more vulnerable than others to experiencing nausea and disorientation associated with virtual reality motion sickness. These demographics include the following:

  • Young teenagers and children. With more schools using VR in education, children under the age of thirteen are especially susceptible to VR motion sickness since their vestibular systems are still developing and maturing.
  • Women. Though the evidence is far from certain, several studies have suggested that women may be more likely than males to become ill from using virtual reality.
  • Individuals who frequently experience motion sickness. People of any age or gender who frequently experience motion nausea from physical causes, such as travel-related illnesses like sea sickness, are probably more prone to VR motion sickness. Those who have issues with their inner ears or are prone to migraine headaches may also fall into this category.

Ways to Reduce VR Motion Sickness

1. Sit down

Sitting down naturally limits your range of motion, thus using virtual reality when seated reduces the possibility of getting confused by the differences between your movements in real life and the virtual world.

2. Keep cool

Opening a window or pointing a fan at yourself while in virtual reality is a good idea because feeling hot or sweaty is one of the symptoms of motion sickness in virtual reality. This will not only help you cool off, but it will also improve air circulation, which will lessen any potential motion sickness symptoms.

3. Select the ideal headset for your needs

Before utilising VR, if you’re prone to motion sickness in general, think about investing in a headset that will reduce your chance of experiencing motion sickness. 

For instance, 6DOF headsets, like the Oculus Quest, allow you to move your head and body in virtual reality and feel more oriented because the virtual scene moves with you.

4. Diminish the brightness of your headset

Your equilibrium may adjust more readily if you somewhat lessen the sensory input by dimming the brightness of your headset.

5. Reebot your headset

Try rebooting your headset and the app if you’re experiencing substantial delays or issues when using VR. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, stop using the headset. Even seasoned VR users are more susceptible to motion sickness due to the disorienting effects of choppy, irregular, or generally glitchy movements on the body.

6. Take it slowly 

Start with simulations or games with limited movement, like 3DOF, where the virtual environment is largely static. Your body will be less likely to experience motion sickness if you have control over the speed and surroundings.

Final Thoughts

You’re not alone if you feel motion sickness when using virtual reality for the first time, but try not to let it discourage you from using it in the future. There are several reasons why you might have had motion sickness when using virtual reality; some have to do with the developers’ fault, while others are just the result of your body getting used to this unusual sensation.

Your body will eventually become accustomed to virtual reality (VR) on its own since your body and brain have learned to interpret what they are seeing.