North Korea is a seemingly interesting yet controversial place to be in. For the better part of the last decade, it has been coming in print media and digital media for not so right reasons, as a deprived country, where the availability of high-speed internet and free information is seen as a luxury for any civilian.

But you are in for a shock when I say that in this country where freedom of speech and the internet is severely scrutinized, the education system is quite fantastically promoting the use of Virtual reality and Augmented Reality to make education for kids in schools quite fun and interactive. Looks interesting, right!
Now that we have told you this, let us also tell you how the country promotes such futuristic technologies when most of the advanced countries around the world are still following the textbook-notebook combinations.
A school in North Korea’s capital Pyongyang has recently come into the spotlight for the novel methods they are implementing. A report documented in a Japanese newspaper says that the teachers there are combining traditional blackboard-based education curriculum with hidden animations, illustrations of concepts and topics, 3-Dimensional pictures and having all of those projected onto the classroom walls.
The Augmented Reality makes use of all these projections and turns them into real life-like looking creatures. Say, for instance, if kids are studying wild animals, then they can see how a tiger or a lion looks from all directions. More than that, how fast it runs, how loudly it roars and other interesting things which will make the teaching and learning process such fun.
There are several AR/VR headsets available in the schools using which immersive experiences are given to the kids. While exact details haven’t emerged, it is said that lots of animated series, drawings and pictures are pre-recorded into the Virtual reality headsets.
All of these efforts and farsightedness of the leaders came in very handy when the world got engulfed in the COVID pandemic. Since March 2020, the North Korean classrooms have been consistently using video conferencing, Virtual Reality Web and App software for complex concepts, and Augmented Reality to make learning more immersive, interactive and enjoyable.
The technology is strictly monitored by the school authorities and teachers so that no misuse of this unique technology is done by the students.
This has heralded Industrial Revolution 4.0. A revolution that is not limited to industries and offices alone, but is as deeply embedded into something like our kid’s education and shopping experiences. For a country like North Korea, it is a much-needed welcome step taken. After this, we can only see other advanced nations implementing these policies and giving a lot of importance to Virtual Reality app development.
If you are someone, who is looking to build an immersive and more interactive experience for your client, then you might have just landed in the right place. Our teams at Twin Reality make some of the most cutting-edge web and mobile application development in Virtual and Augmented Reality.
For more insights into this trending technology, make sure to check out our blog regularly, where we document a lot of this technology in the form of Technical Blogs.