Horizon Workspaces: Facebook launches virtual reality-powered workspace.

facebook horizon workrooms

Let us go back in time, close to 18 months back when the world around suddenly got confined to the four walls of our homes. Video conferencing replaced physical brainstorming sessions and paperwork got replaced by endless tapping on the keyboard. At that point in time, we were clearly not ready for something like that to strike us. Endless glitches and people not too familiar with gadgets and technology had to quite literally “lock” every action related to their work.

However, taking inspiration from all the recent complications, Facebook has been consistently working on creating virtual meeting rooms. It has been named as Horizon Workspaces. Although for the past two years, it is mostly stuck in its Beta development phase, it is quite promising. People could meet, work, share details and brainstorm together in a digital room but in a virtual medium with virtual and augmented reality. Here, instead of people’s faces, we will be dealing with their digital avatars. Something akin to your digital avatar on Facebook. Does it not sound interesting? Something like a simulation of the dream. Okay, some more details.

Facebook unveils Horizon Workrooms for remote coworking in VR | VentureBeat

What if I say that you could demonstrate flowcharts, plans and graphs in the virtual meeting? Just with a mouse, keyboard and hands, all that you physically draw sitting in a room will directly translate into digital records in your meeting that everyone will be able to see, edit and feel with their own hands. This is a huge dream of Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse. Metaverse is a virtual reality and augmented reality environment that facilitates meeting with different people at different places in the world. It is currently being developed by Facebook on war-footing scale.

facebook work rooms

A huge boost to it was given by the introduction of Oculus headsets. This hardware is supported by the virtual web and app development software’s that are developed by the company.

Coming back to the Horizon product. Each headset easily costs somewhere around USD 300. Those who do not own Oculus 2 and the software with them can join as regular meetings as they do for Zoom or Google Meet calls. So, a maximum of 50 people can join the meeting. Out of which only 16 can join with headsets, digital avatars and make the virtual note-making and meeting possible. You could even share photos and videos with other people in the meeting rooms. This software is compatible with both Windows and MAC PC’s. Once you link your PC with the horizon workspace, along with the Oculus headsets, you could work, share, write and edit data and information in the virtual systems.

Apart from these features, it has some of the most cutting-edge technology with respect to cybersecurity. That is giving full control over the applications and data of the corporates with industry compliance and requirements. The second feature, as stated by Horizon workspace is the ability to enhance productivity. The files, data and other information can be securely accessed from all kinds of devices that are connected with the ecosystem.

So, after a long time and a lot of attempts at Facebook has given this wonderful product. The product is still in beta version and undergoing tests. Once it gets successfully launched, it can be a game-changer in virtual reality and remote working environments. Something which the current video conferencing applications lack at.

Are you too interested in joining the virtual reality revolution that is coming faster than expected? If your employees are geeky enough and feel the need to connect with each other and build scalable solutions to challenges around them with the use of virtual reality, then you have landed at the right place.

Our vastly experienced engineers at Twin Reality, will help you build some of the most advanced virtual reality applications development with high-end immersive experiences. We regularly blog and actively comment on the existing and upcoming advancements in this domain. We would be glad to connect with you over our website and have a look at our portfolio!

Priyanka Peddinti
Priyanka Peddinti